Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Ever since I got the "The Ultimate LEGO Book," I have wanted to make a sphere like the one shown by master builders.

A few years ago I tried to make a small one but it did not turn out that well (if I can find photos of it I will try to post it sometime). A few days ago I went online to see if I could find instructions for one.

I cam up empty handed since most of the ones I found online where not as detailed or required angle plates to achieve a sphere like shape. Nothing using just "normal" plates and bricks.

Over the weekend I pulled out the book and examined the photo that was included and created my own version. After about 13 hours (over 3 days) of building it was finished.

Weighs around 4.7 pounds
32 studs across
26.33 bricks high (79 plates)

Photo of sphere from The Ultimate LEGO Book

Progress #1, bottom

Progress #1, top

Progress #2, bottom

Progress #2, top

Progress #3, bottom

Progress #3, top

The two parts, ready to be combined to form the final sphere

Finished sphere

View of the bottom

View of the side

Comparison of sphere with 2x2 brick

Comparison of sphere with a minifig